Study on the Scroll by Wu Wei Tiffed Gathering of Notable Lyric Poets(Cilin yaji tu)City rules have builders TIFfed offWho Really Tiffed Our Light??Morphology of iden- tiffed interneurons in the CAI region of guinea pig hippocampusSEISMIC RESPONSE ANALYSIS OF EXISTING NON-DUCTILE BUILDINGS RETROTIFFED WITH BRBSSEISMIC RESPONSE ANALYSIS OF EXISTING NON-DUCTILE BUILDINGS RETROTIFFED WITH BRBSCDC42 and CDC43, two additional genes involved in budding and the establishment of cell polarity in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisi...The identification of proteins in the proximity of signal-anchor sequences during their targeting to and insertion into the membrane...Human mature T cells that are anergic in vivo prevail in SCID mice reconstituted with human peripheral bloodHuman embryonic stem-cell derivatives for full reconstruction of the pluristratified epidermis: a preclinical study