Tightknit 'Footloose' cast on its toesLegal fight fuels tensions in tightknit tech worldTragedy, Sports Bring Tightknit Class Even Closer Together at Cary-GroveKNITTING FACTORIES 'STITCH 'N' BITCH' SESSIONS CREATE TIGHTKNIT GROUPSTenacity and tragedy for a tightknit team ; Police say fellow wrestler drove car that struck Nashoba captainTheir world's a stage ; The tightknit group that is Curtain Call is celebrating 50 years of theater in BraintreeMusic Review: Robertson, SLSO Offer First-Rate Beethoven; Tightknit Trombones Sparkle in Three Short but Serious Pieces Written for ...Cheney Family Values; Circled Wagons: The Cheney Clan Is Tightknit, Politically Talented-And Famously Fearsome in the Clinches. Just...A death next door The killing of Janet Downing shocked her tightknit Somerville neighborhood. So did the arrest of young Edward S. O...Ciaras Suicide Linked to a Troubled Lesbian Affair; (1) Tightknit: Ciara, Second from Left, Was Close to Her Family (2) Suicide Verd...