- With the sale now on hold, debts and expenses continue to mount, pressing the timeliness of the purchase even further to the forefront.
出售现在持有的债务和开支继续上升,迫切及时购买甚至进一步的前列。 - Delphi must also maintain the timeliness and quality of supplies indiscriminately to the other domestic carmakers, at market prices.
德尔福也必须按市场价格,继续及时并一视同仁地为其它国内汽车制造商提供高质量的产品。 - Is practices English spoken language the most timeliness.
Determinants of Timeliness in Product Development
Asymmetric timeliness of earnings, market-to-book and conservatism in financial reporting
Lack of timeliness and noise as explanations for the low contemporaneuos return-earnings association
International Differences in the Timeliness, Conservatism, and Classification of Earnings
The Link Between Earnings Timeliness, Earnings Conservatism and Board Composition: evidence from the UK
Designing Information Systems to Optimize the Accuracy-timeliness Tradeoff
Designing Information Systems to Optimize the Accuracy-Timeliness Tradeoff
The Conservatism Principle and the Asymmetric Timeliness of Earnings: An Event‐Based Approach*
Is financial reporting shaped by equity markets or by debt markets? An international study of timeliness and conservatism
Discussion of “Is financial reporting shaped by equity markets or debt markets? An international study of timeliness and conservati...