Constance Markievicz: The Women of '98 (November/December 1915)Chapter XVI. Flat Rebellion.KOOPERATİFLER ARACILIĞIYLA HAYVAN DAĞITIMI KAPSAMINDA DESTEKLENEN SÜT SIĞIRCILIĞI İŞLETMELERİNDE PAZARA KATILIM DÜZEYİNİ ...Influence of dietary fat, vitamin E, ethoxyquin and indomethacin on the synthesis of prostaglandin E2 in brain regions of mice.Indicadores de Sustentabilidade Uma Análise ComparativaPCSK9 SNP rs11591147 is associated with low cholesterol levels but not with cognitive performance or noncardiovascular clinical even...The Sloan Lens ACS Survey. IV. The Mass Density Profile of Early-Type Galaxies out to 100 Effective RadiiPipeline interleaved programmable DSP's: Synchronous data flow programmingThe Selective innervation by serotoninergic axons of calbindin‐containing interneurons in the neocortex and hippocampus of the marm...Lipid parameters for measuring risk of cardiovascular disease