- I offer you the very blade I used to slay a titan.
我赐予你我那我那真正的武器,那我曾经用来杀死过泰坦巨人的武器。 - He was a surprisingly unassuming man for such a titan among statesmen.
- Methane smog enshrouds Titan, Saturn's mysterious moon.
甲烷所形成的烟雾遮蔽了泰坦,也就是土星的神秘卫星。 - This was a great step forward.men needed more help yet from the Titan.
[Systemic arterial hypertension and psychiatric morbidity in the outpatient care setting of a tertiary hospital]
Initial thyroid status and cardiovascular risk factors: the EPIC-Norfolk prospective population study.
Cytokine-induced killer cells against autologous CLL: direct cytotoxic effects and induction of immune accessory molecules by interf...
Wound-inducedProteinase Inhibitors from TomatoLeaves
Homology of the .gamma. subunit of phosphorylase b kinase with cAMP-dependent protein kinase
Loss of memory B cells impairs maintenance of long-term serologic memory during HIV-1 infection.
Covalent structure of a group-specific protease from rat small intestine. Appendix: crystallographic data for a group specific prote...
Matsubara, M. et al. Site-specific phosphorylation of synapsin I by mitogen-activated protein kinase and Cdk5 and its effects on phy...
Wound-induced trypsin inhibitor in alfalfa leaves: Identity as a member of the Bowman-Birk inhibitor family
Amino acid sequence of amyloid-related apoprotein (apoSAA1) from human HDL