Method and an associated system for instantaneously obtaining costumer consent in relation to the purchase of a good or service
Regulated to Death: The Matter of Informed Consent for Human Experimentation in Emergency Resuscitation Research
The meanings of consent to the donation of cord blood stem cells: perspectives from an interview-based study of a public cord blood ...
Informed consent: from the ambivalence of Arato to the thunder of Thor.
Right of the living dead? Consent to experimental surgery in the event of cortical death
'And I Can See Through Your Brain': Access to Experts, Competency to Consent, and the Impact of Antipsychotic Medications in Neuroim...
Exceptions to the rule of informed consent for research with an intervention
Determinants of familial consent to organ donation in the hospital setting
Request for Treatment: the evolution of consent
[From informed to shared: the developing process of consent]