Projecting ahead in conversation to take the floor or avoid saying anything - how turn-taking proceeds or doesn'tNew San Antonio Sports Hall of Fame Inductees to take the FloorCricket: Lara Survives His Flaws to Take the FloorTalent Aplenty to Take the FloorWho is allowed to take the floor? The role of saliency and gender when explaining speech-making in the Swedish RiksdagIn Satire 2.7, on the occasion of the Saturnalia, Horace�s domestic slave Davus is invited to take the floor and lecture Horace...Board to support the spike of a musical instrument, e.g. a violin cello, has a blocking unit to take the spike on the floor and loop...Take the FloorGolden oldies take the floor: the financial services industry has finally realised the potential of the lucrative over-65 market and...TILES AND STEAM CLEANING TAKE THE FLOOR