Assessment of the influence of dietary vitamin E on sows and offspring in three parities: reproductive performance, tissue tocophero...Oxidative and lipolytic changes during ripening of Iberian hams as affected by feeding regime: extensive feeding and alpha-tocophery...Antioxidant Actions of β-Carotene in Liposomal and Microsomal Membranes: Role of Carotenoid-Membrane Incorporation and α-TocopherolThe geology of the Toco District, Trinidad, West Indies, Part 1Seed oils of Seasamum indicum, L. and some wild relatives. A compositional study of the fatty acids, acyl lipids, sterols, tocophero...A psicodinâmica do trabalho: contribuições da escola Dejouriana à análise da relação prazer, sofrimento e trabalhoAngiotensin II and aldosterone regulate gene transcription via functional mineralocortocoid receptors in human coronary artery smoot...SisPorto 2.0: A Program for Automated Analysis of CardiotocogramsTocochromanol functions in plants: antioxidation and beyondEvaluation of interobserver agreement of cardiotocograms