Tollhouse, CaliforniaThe Tollhouse at Great Yarmouth. L.P.Coalport Bridge Tollhouse, 1793‐1995The Too-Tall Troll in the Tiny TollhouseStructure Design for Xinhe Tollhouse in Membrane StructureAerial Image 1956-0292: Gandy Tollhouse in Saint Petersburg, FL in Tampa, FLCHET CURTIS THE NEWS ANCHOR ON SEINFELD, THE KENNEDYS, AND TOLLHOUSE COOKIES.For Sale! Free! A Piece of History; Middleburg Seeking a Home for Its Old TollhouseSource Provenance of Obsidian Artifacts from Mainly Archaic Contexts in The Tollgate and Tollhouse Canyon Region, Southeastern ArizonaGlorious Chance for a Tranquil Junction in Life; Alison Jones Reports on a Delightful Former Tollhouse That Sits at Wigrams Turn, Wh...