- I was pretty serious in what I said at dinner.
我晚餐时说的话是当真的。 - Fact is, I'm in a bit of a jam at the moment.
A tongue-in-cheek look at fun and/or games
Tongue-in-Cheek: How Internet Defamation Laws of the United States & China Are Shaping Global Internet Speech
From the (ivory) tower to the (cold) shower: A tongue-in-cheek comparison of academic versus commercial and trade publishing
Tongue-in-Cheek:Using Wireless Signals to Enable Non-Intrusive and Flexible Facial Gestures Detection
Tongue-in-Cheek: Using Wireless Signals to Enable Non-Intrusive and Flexible Facial Gestures Detection
A new paradigm to improve patient outcomes: a tongue-in-cheek look at the cost of patient satisfaction
Tongue-in-cheek or not, it's how you look at it
How to increase IT costs. H.I.S. pros offers a tongue-in-cheek approach to healthcare IT budgeting.
Affect, Terminology, and a Bit of Tongue-in-Cheek
The tongue-in-cheek way the women of Google are responding to a shareholder's sexist comment