TophiTophiTophiIntradermal tophi in gout: a case-control study.Resolution of tophi with intravenous peg-uricase in refractory gout.Resolution of gouty tophi after twelve weeks of pegloticase treatmentIntra-articular gouty tophi of the knee: CT and MR imaging in 12 patientsPainful knee locking caused by gouty tophi successfully treated with allopurinolMagnetic resonance imaging in the quantitative assessment of gouty tophiComputed tomography of the knee joint as an indicator of intraarticular tophi in gout.Effect of urate‐lowering therapy on the velocity of size reduction of tophi in chronic goutTophaceous gout of the spine in a patient with no peripheral tophi: case report and review of the literatureTophaceous gout of the spine in a patient with no peripheral tophi: Case report and review of the literature