'... May we Bechuanas have air and light that we can again exist ...': notes on the history of the BaTswana people of Namibia1. Foundation of the Cape. 2. About the Bechuanas. By W. H. C. Lichtenstein. Translated and edited by Dr O. H. Spohr. Cape Town: A...1. Foundation of the Cape. 2. About the Bechuanas. By W. H. C. Lichtenstein. Translated and edited by Dr...The Foundation of the Cape: About the BechuanasSurviving the Colonial Era; Female Migrancy as a Viable Economic Strategy in Bechuanaland ProtectorateBechuanaland Road to the NorthPius XII Catholic University College : its early days to its establishment as the University of Basutoland, Bechuanaland and Swazila...'I Was Afraid of Samuel, Therefore I Came to Sekgoma': Herero Refugees and Patronage Politics in Ngamiland, Bechuanaland Protectorat...Syphilis-a Major Cause of Ill-Health in Native Labourers; and Suggestions for Mass Treatment.International context of the creation of Bechuanaland Protectorate in 1885