- Almost all government adopt totalitarian measures in time of war.
几乎所有的政府在战时都采取极权主义的措施。 - A totalitarian government often takes basic freedoms away from the citizens.
Totalitarian and Authoritarian RegimesTotalitarian Dictatorship and AutocracyTotalitarian and authoritarian regimes /The totalitarian ego: Fabrication and revision of personal history.The Tinpot and the Totalitarian: An Economic Theory of DictatorshipThe Tinpot and the Totalitarian: A Simple Economic Theory of Dictatorship‘The Past as Propaganda: Totalitarian Archaeology in Nazi Germany’Real space renormalization group and totalitarian paradox of majority rule votingAMERICA'S UNIVERSITIES HAVE BECOME TOTALITARIAN GULAGS RUN BY RACIST LUNATICS AND EXTORTIONISTSThe Soviet Citizen: Daily Life in a Totalitarian Society. by Alex Inkeles; Raymond A. Bauer; David Gleicher; Irving Rosow