La Tramontane et le Mestral de la Côte CatalaneMistral and Tramontane wind systems in climate simulations from 1950 to 2100PYREX observation and model diagnosis of the tramontane windTramontane, Archivio on-line di più di 300 campioni sonori di parlato letto/narrativo in centinaia di lingue e dialettiPrior history of Mistral and Tramontane winds modulates heavy precipitation events in southern FranceAtmospheric boundary-layer structure over the Mediterranean during a Tramontane eventAerosol distribution over the western Mediterranean basin during a Tramontane/Mistral eventNumerical high‐resolution air‐sea coupling over the Gulf of Lions during two tramontane/mistral eventsAtmospheric Boundary Layer Structure over the Mediterranean During a Tramontane Event: Evidence of Gravity Waves InfluenceObservational Evidence And Modelling Of An Internal Hydraulic Jump At The Atmospheric Boundary-Layer Top During A Tramontane Event