- She jotted down a few notes, and later transcribed them into an exercise book.
她草草做了些笔记,然后誊写在练习本上。 - He wanted to transcribe completely the conversation of the lowlifes.
他想要把那些下层社会份子的对话完全抄录下来。 - This is a pianopiece transcribed for the guitar.
这是一首改编成用吉他演奏的钢琴曲。 - I am able to get dictation in English and quickly transcribe into Chinese.
Transcribing pancreas.
Transcribing RNA polymerase II is phosphorylated at CTD residue serine-7.
Structure of a Transcribing T7 RNA Polymerase Initiation Complex
Method and system for transcribing electronic affirmations
Dynamic association of capping enzymes with transcribing RNA polymerase II
A histone octamer can step around a transcribing polymerase without leaving the template.
Parallels among positive-strand RNA viruses, reverse-transcribing viruses and double-stranded RNA viruses
Amino acid sequence homology in gag region of reverse transcribing elements and the coat protein gene of cauliflower mosaic virus
RNA Silencing of Dengue Virus Type 2 Replication in Transformed C6/36 Mosquito Cells Transcribing an Inverted-Repeat RNA Derived fro...
Effects of RNA secondary structure on alternative splicing of Pre-mRNA: Is folding limited to a region behind the transcribing RNA p...