- Vrbroflotation transposing is a new way developed in the recent 30 years to treat weak soil.
Transposing without ends: the non-LTR retrotransposable elements.Technique for transposing nonsymmetric sparse matricesImportation as innovation: transposing managerial practices across fieldsTransposing Energy Consumption Analysis and Forecasting Tools from the Industrial Site to the Equipment LevelTransposing molecular fluorescent switches into the near-IR: development of luminogenic reporter substrates for redox metabolismUlnar nerve decompression by transposing the nerve and Z-lengthening the flexor-pronator mass: Clinical outcome *The Paradox of Compliance: Infringements and Delays in Transposing European Union DirectivesMethod for transposing multi-bit matrix wherein first and last sub-string remains unchanged while intermediate sub-strings are inter...Limits to leapfrogging: issues in transposing successful river basin management institutions in the developing world.Isolation of a hybrid plasmid with homologous sequences to a transposing element of Drosophila melanogaster.