Understanding eukaryotic linear motifs and their role in cell signaling and regulation[Frontiers in Bioscience 13, 6580-6603, May 1, 2008]Diagnosability Analysis Based on Component-Supported Analytical Redundancy RelationsDiagnosability Analysis Based on Component-Supported Analytical Redundancy RelationsMetformin Use and Mortality Among Patients With Diabetes and AtherothrombosisDiscrimination, classification, identification of microorganisms using FTIR spectroscopy and chemometricsFood-dependent Cushing's syndrome mediated by aberrant adrenal sensitivity to gastric inhibitory polypeptideEARLY EMERGENCE ENHANCES PLANT FITNESS: A PHYLOGENETICALLY CONTROLLED META‐ANALYSISSeeds: The ecology of regeneration in plant communitiesSomatic deletion of the imprinted 11p15 region in sporadic persistent hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia of infancy is specific of focal ...