cable tray电缆槽
sieve tray[化]筛盘
baking tray烤盘
paper tray纸匣,纸盒;纸托盘
tray table盘桌;折叠式餐具小几
tea tray茶盘
in tray文件盘;收文盘
wooden tray木盘子
tray tower盘式塔
fruit tray果盘
ash tray烟灰缸;灰盘
- This paper analyzed comprehensively the application of high - efficiency trays in ethylene plant in terms of bottleneck elimination.
Fiber distribution frame system, cabinets, trays and fiber optic connector couplingsAnalyzers using linear sample trays with random accessNumerical Simulation of the Hydrodynamics of Two Phase Flow in Distillation Column Sieve TraysResearch on valve trays. Hydraulic performance in the air﹚ater systemNitrogen fertilizer reduction for lettuce cultivation using controlled release fertilizer to nursery plug traysProduction of single cell protein from sugarcane bagasse ii. study of the multiplication of trichosporum penicillatum in semi solid ...The Effect of Shrubs on the Establishment of an Endangered Perennial (Asclepias curtissii) Endemic to Florida ScrubFactors Affecting Gerbil Foraging Behavior and Rates of Owl PredationA Comparison of Methods to Predict Weed Seedling Populations from the Soil SeedbankAction of viscumin, a toxic lectin from mistletoe, on cells in culture.