- Dopamine agonists are powerful drugs that are used to control tremors associated with Parkinson's Disease.
多巴胺激动剂是一种有效的药物,用于控制帕金森病人的颤抖。 - Typical symptoms of mercury poisoning include mental retardation, loss of balance, tremors, blindness and loss of hearing.
Tremors in early Parkinson's disease.VACCINE FOR CONGENITAL TREMORS IN PIGSNonvolcanic tremors deep beneath the San Andreas Fault.Essential tremors: a family of neurodegenerative disorders?Pathophysiology of nonparkinsonian tremorsEffect of alcohol on tremors: comparison with propranolol.A wide depth distribution of seismic tremors along the northern Cascadia marginDiagnostic and pathophysiological aspects of psychogenic tremors.Episodic slow slip events accompanied by non‐volcanic tremors in southwest Japan subduction zoneTissue distribution and genetic typing of porcine circoviruses in pigs with naturally occurring congenital tremors