TrichogyneNote Sur Le Trichogyne De L''Hildebrantia Rivularis Ag.Note sur le trichogyne de l'Hildebrandtia rivularis Ag.Evidence for Diffusible , Trichogyne AttractantsTrichogyne ambigua tRNA-Leu gene, partial intron sequence; chloroplast gene for chloroplast productTrichogyne ambigua trnL-trnF intergenic spacer, partial sequence; chloroplast gene for chloroplast productEvidence for diffusible, mating-type-specific trichogyne attractants inNeurospora crassaMECHANISMS CONTROLLING NUCLEAR MIGRATION ALONG THE TRICHOGYNE IN THE RED ALGA, BOSTRYCHIA MORITZIANA (RHODOMELACEAE, RHODOPHYTA)Synandromyces Telephani (Ascomycetes: Laboulbeniales) from Illinois and Development of its TrichogynePhylogeny of the daisy genera Ifloga and Trichogyne (Asteraceae: Gnaphalieae) and evaluation of the link between annuality and ari...