Tricolor fluorescent lampNew Tricolor Phosphors for Gas Discharge DisplayTricolorin A, Major Phytogrowth Inhibitor from Ipomoea tricolorCytotoxic cyclotides from Viola tricolorChemInform Abstract: NEW TRICOLOR PHOSPHORS FOR GAS DISCHARGE DISPLAYAllelopathic potential of compounds isolated from Ipomoea tricolor cav. (Convolvulaceae)Computational Evolutionary Optimization of Red Phosphor for Use in Tricolor White LEDsConstituents of the fungi Daedalea quercina and Daedaleopsis confragosa var. tricolor.Effects of Interspecific Competition on Fitness of the Hermit Crab Clibanarius TricolorHow Competition for Light and Nutrients Affects Size Variability in Ipomoea Tricolor Populations