- Dappled shade is formed by deciduous trees, and shade plants such as epimedium, anemone, trillium, and a variety of bulbs thrive in this type of shade.
Mechanisms of Reduced Trillium Recruitment along Edges of Old-Growth Forest FragmentsDISPERSAL OF TRILLIUM SEEDS BY DEER: IMPLICATIONS FOR LONG‐DISTANCE MIGRATION OF FOREST HERBSHeight of White-Flowered Trillium (Trillium Grandiflorum) as an Index of Deer Browsing IntensityEffects of Herbivory and Its Timing across Populations of Trillium grandiflorum (Liliaceae)Spatial population genetic structure in Trillium grandiflorum: the roles of dispersal, mating, history, and selection.Habitat Fragmentation and Demographic Change for a Common Plant: Trillium in Old-Growth ForestAnt-Mediated Seed Dispersal Alters Pattern of Relatedness in a Population of Trillium grandiflorumThe Responses of Rare and Common Trilliums (Trillium reliquum, T. cuneatum, and T. maculatum) to Deer Herbivory and Invasive Honeysu...Effects of chronic herbivory and historic land use on population structure of a forest perennial, Trillium catesbaeiSpatial Population Genetic Structure in Trillium grandiflorum : The Roles of Dispersal , Mating , History , and Selection SPATIAL PO...