Trion Decay in Colloidal Quantum DotsExcitonic trion X - in semiconductor quantum wellsFine structure of the quantum-dot trionAll-optical trion generation in single-walled carbon nanotubesTrion, biexciton, and exciton dynamics in single self-assembled CdSe quantum dotsOscillator strength of trion states in ZnSe-based quantum wellsFunctional renormalization for trion formation in ultracold fermion gasesExciton and trion spectral line shape in the presence of an electron gas in GaAs/AlAs quantum wellsFine structure of the trion triplet state in a single self-assembled semiconductor quantum dotSANDOWNIA HARRISI, A HIGHLY DERIVED TRIONYCHOID TURTLE (TESTUDINES: CRYPTODIRA) FROM THE EARLY CRETACEOUS OF THE ISLE OF WIGHT, ENGL...