- For the rest, she was a strong-minded woman; never said a weak or a trite thing.
此外,她还是个意志坚强的女人,从来不说一句示弱或者平庸的话。 - He ended his lecture with a trite morality.
Zur Kenntnis der Triterpene. 190. Mitteilung. Eine stereochemische Interpretation der biogenetischen Isoprenregel bei den TriterpenenFilm i tržište : vidovi komercijalizacije savremenog holivudskog filmaInduction of redox imbalance and apoptosis in multiple myeloma cells by the novel triterpenoid myeloma cells by the novel triterpeno...Visual mechanisms of hunting behaviour in Trite planiceps, a jumping spider (Araneae: Salticidae)Dragline-Mediated Mate-Searching in Trite planiceps (Araneae, Salticidae)Why Your Housecat’s Trite Little Bite Could Cause You Quite a Fright: A Study of Domestic Felines on the Occurrence and Antibi...Zur Kenntnis der Triterpene. 190. Mitteilung. Eine stereochemische Interpretation der biogenetischen Isoprenregel bei den Triterpene...Pentacyclic triterpenoic acids: new chemoprotective compounds. Minireview.Clinical Efficacy of a Combination Pneumatic and Ultrasonic LithotriteExperience with the holmium laser as an endoscopic lithotrite.