- She never immersed herself in that sort of trivia.
她从来不沉湎于往日琐事。 - Their quarrels about the trivia are always interminable.
他们对琐事的争吵总是没完没了。 - Much of our research is wasted on trivia.
Trivia Q&A;: July 24
Trivia Q&A;: August 14
Trivia Q&A;: October 17
Trivia Q&A.(Knight Ridder Newspapers)
Trivia and memory game using multimedia clips
Free Online Trivia Game Questions and Answers
Kari & Dines' Diary: 2008-...: Trivia &c.
Research in marketing: teasing with trivia or risking relevance?
Credibility of repeated statements: Memory for trivia.
Flavor trivia and tomato aroma: biochemistry and possible mechanisms for control of important aroma components.