- Suddenly a troika drove up with tinkling bells.
忽然一辆三驾马车响着铃声奔驰而来。 - This troika has been exposed as erratic against the NBA's elite guards.
The TROIKA beamline at ESRF
The troika of sociology, political science and economics
Troika II: a versatile beamline for the study of liquid and solid interfaces
PCI Complexes: Beyond the Proteasome, CSN, and eIF3 Troika
Teamwork for innovation – the ‘troika’ of promotors
MicroRNA-132, -134, and -138: a microRNA troika rules in neuronal dendrites
Autophagy, Inflammation and Immunity: A Troika Governing Cancer and Its Treatment
TROIKA: a general framework for heart rate monitoring using wrist-type photoplethysmographic signals during intensive physical exerc...
Hyogo beamline at SPring-8: multiple station beamline with the TROIKA concept
The pathogenesis of immune dysregulation in systemic lupus erythematosus. A troika.