Tropical sprueTropical Sprue.Tropical sprueNon-tropical sprue. Malignant diseases and mortality rate.Tropical enteropathy and tropical spruePATHOLOGY OF THE JEJUNAL MUCOSA IN TROPICAL SPRUE.Enterotoxigenic intestinal bacteria in tropical sprueSyndrome on non tropical sprue with hitherto undescribed lesions of the intestineThe effect of cortisone on nontropical sprue (idiopathic steatorrhea)Tropical sprue is associated with contamination of small bowel with aerobic bacteria and reversible prolongation of orocecal transit...Serum globulin deficiencies in non-tropical sprue, with report of two cases of acquired agammaglobulinemiaSignificance of antibodies to dietary proteins in the serums of patients with nontropical sprue.Tropical sprue associates prolonged diarrhea, a malabsorption syndrome, and nutritional deficiency in patients who live in or have v...