
英 ['trəʊpɪn]
美 ['troʊpɪn]
  • n.


  • 学习怎么用


    The opiomelanotropinergic neuronal and endocrine systems
    Identification of an allatotropin from adult manduca sexta
    Changes in α-melanotropin in discrete brain areas of isolated aggressive mice
    Vasculotropin/vascular endothelial growth factor induces differentiation in cultured osteoblasts.
    The C-fragment of beta-lipotropin: an endogenous neuroleptic or antipsychotogen?
    Opioid activity of a peptide, beta-lipotropin-(61-91), derived from beta-lipotropin.
    The ontogeny of immunoreactive beta-endorphin and beta-lipotropin in the rat testis
    Construction and analysis of recombinant DNA for human chorionic somatomammotropin.
    Cyclic lactam alpha-melanotropin analogues of Ac-Nle4-cyclo[Asp5, D-Phe7,Lys10] alpha-melanocyte-stimulating hormone-(4-10)-NH2 with...
    4-Norleucine, 7-D-phenylalanine-alpha-melanocyte-stimulating hormone: a highly potent alpha-melanotropin with ultralong biological a...