New organic-walled dinoflagellate cysts from the Cenomanian to Maastrichtian of the Trunch borehole, UKTRUNCH WARFARE: COPS ADMIT BATONS ARE JUST NOT BIG ENOUGH; Officers Get Two More InchesLittle power consuming Trunch working bodyThe Trunch BoreholeFull Monty Cop'flashed His Trunch-Box' CID Veteran Faces Probe over Strip ActTrunch: the new lunch; A new meal has replaced brunch for urbanites who don't rise before 3pm.Documento de consenso sobre la espasticidad en pacientes con esclerosis múltiple / Consensus document on spasticity in patients wit...Několik stručných poznámek (nejen) k de Chardinově příspěvku kteorii informaceMatilda and the Mythologisation of Miss Honey and Miss TrunchbullEffects of temporary BLyS treatment of rhesus macaques