Novel One-Dimensional Tubelike and Two-Dimensional Polycatenated Metal−Organic FrameworksSynthesis of large-pore Ia3d mesoporous silica and its tubelike carbon replica.Ring‐Expanding Metathesis of Tetradehydro‐anthracene—Synthesis and Structure of a Tubelike, Fully Conjugated HydrocarbonBulk fragment and tubelike structures of Au N ( N = 2 − 26 )Evidence that Collagen Fibrils in Tendons Are Inhomogeneously Structured in a Tubelike MannerTubelike weights for shower curtainStromal cell-derived factor-1alpha induces tube-like structure formation of endothelial cells through phosphoinositide 3-kinaseGinsenoside Rb1 inhibits tube‐like structure formation of endothelial cells by regulating pigment epithelium‐derived factor throug...Possible ground-state structure of Au26: A highly symmetric tubelike cageBulk fragment and tubelike structures of Au[sub N] (N = 2-26)