
  • abbr.

    United Automobile[Auto] Workers 联合汽车工会;

  • 学习怎么用


    The UAW and the Heyday of American Liberalism, 1945–1968
    Black Detroit and the rise of the UAW
    Black Detroit and the rise of the UAW
    The Determinants and Extent of UAW Pattern Bargaining
    Putting the Ford-UAW agreement and the current collective bargaining scene in perspective
    Voting for Wage Concessions: The Case of the 1982 GM-UAW Negotiations
    Neubewertung des Risikos von Test- und Therapieallergenen Eine Analyse der UAW-Meldungen von 1991 bis 2000
    The UAW and the Heyday of American Liberalism 1945-1968. by Kevin Boyle; North American Auto Unions in Crisis: Lean Production as C...
    The UAW and the Heyday of American Liberalism 1945-1968. by Kevin Boyle; North American Auto Unions in Crisis: Lean Production as C...
    Neubewertung des Risikos von Test- und TherapieallergenenEine Analyse der UAW-Meldungen von 1991 bis 2000Eine Analyse der UAW-Meldun...