Dialkylammonium‐Ionen/Kronenether‐Komplexe: Vorläufer einer neuen Familie „mechanisch”︁ verknüpfter Molek&u...An introduction to markers, quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping and marker-assisted selection for crop improvement: the basic conc...Additionspolymerisationskatalysatoren mit eingeschränkter Geometrie, Verfahren zur Herstellung davon, Vorläufer dafür, Verfahren ...Routine prone positioning in patients with severe ARDS: feasibility and impact on prognosis.Transcriptional regulation of gene expression in human skeletal muscle during recovery from exerciseThe predictive value of MDR1, CYP2C9, and CYP2C19 polymorphisms for phenytoin plasma levelsOzone‐induced oxidative stress: Mechanisms of action and reactionEffects of alpha-AMPK knockout on exercise-induced gene activation in mouse skeletal muscleGranularity in Software Product LinesA Fruiting Body Tissue Method for EfficientAgrobacterium-Mediated Transformation ofAgaricus bisporus