"UITLANDER."UitlanderUitlanderThe Uitlander movement in the South African Republic before the Jamieson RaidAN ILLUSION OF UNITY: UITLANDER POLITICS BEFORE THE ANGLO-BOER WARColonist or Uitlander? A Study of the British Immigrant in South Africa by John StoneSelf-interest and social control, Uitlander rule of Johannesburg, 1900-1901Stone (John) : Colonist or Uitlander ? A study of the British immigrant in South AfricaBook Review:Colonist or Uitlander? A Study of the British Immigrant in South Africa. John StoneThe politics of discontent: the grievances of the Uitlander refugees, 1899–1902COLONIST OR UITLANDER? A STUDY OF THE BRITISH IMMIGRANT IN SOUTH AFRICA. By John Stone. Oxford: Clarendon, 1973. 313 pp. $16.00The role played by women in the Uitlander refugee crisis, 1899 - 1902, a case-study of the East London humanitarian effort.Woman, Thy Name is Valour: An Overview of the Role Afrikaner and Uitlander-Women and Children Inside and Outside Anglo Boer War Conc...