[The Ulm Osteoarthritis Study]ULM, a software for conservation and evolutionary biologistsObesity, overweight and patterns of osteoarthritis: the Ulm Osteoarthritis Study.Sports activities 5 years after total knee or hip arthroplasty: the Ulm Osteoarthritis Study.Serum cholesterol and osteoarthritis. The baseline examination of the Ulm Osteoarthritis StudyOxyfluorinated microporous compounds ULM- n : chemical parameters, structures and a proposed mechanism for their molecular tectonicsHormone replacement therapy and patterns of osteoarthritis: baseline data from the Ulm Osteoarthritis StudyNon-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) and patterns of osteoarthritis: The Ulm osteoarthritis studyPrevalence of generalised osteoarthritis in patients with advanced hip and knee osteoarthritis: The Ulm Osteoarthritis StudyImportance of the Duodenal Passage and Pouch Volume after Total Gastrectomy and Reconstruction with the Ulm Pouch: Prospective Rando...