ultima thule

英 [ˈʌltimə ˈθju:li:]
美 [ˈʌltəmə ˈtuli]
  • n.


  • 英英释义

    ultima thule

    • n.the geographical region believed by ancient geographers to be the northernmost land in the inhabited world




    Ultima Thule
    Ultima Thule
    Ultima Thule
    Works [ed. by E.R. Rost].
    Remarks on the First Report to the Advisory Board on the Treatment of Venereal Diselase and Scabies in the Army
    It Has Pushed the
    "Видимо, нефтедобычинаарктическомшельфенебудет"
    Languaging in Ultima Thule: Multilingualism in the Life of a Sami Boy.
    Marching out from Ultima Thule: Critical Counterstories of Emancipatory Educators Working at the Intersection of Human Rights, Anima...
    Ultima Thule: anthropology and the call of the unknown
    Immigration Control in Ultima Thule: Detention and Exclusion, Norwegian Style
    Ultima Thule : Bilder des Nordens von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart
    Ultima Thule: Arthur Gordon Pym, the Polar Imaginary, and the Hollow Earth