
  • v.

    拔去门闩,打开( unbolt的现在分词 );

  • 英英释义

    unbolt[ ,ʌn'bəult ]

    • v.undo the bolt of

      "unbolt the door"



    Unbolting the chairs
    Unbolting Melville's Japan
    Unbolting the preshower from CMS
    Unbolting the Gate of Locked-In Syndrome
    Jack for bolting and unbolting
    Unbolting Melville's Japan.(Herman Melville's novels)
    Unbolting the chairs: making learning management systems more flexible
    Unbolting of the preshower from the +ve Z end of CMS & crane it over the top to the -ve Z end.
    Production of unbolting lines through gamma-ray irradiation mutagenesis in genetically modified herbicide-tolerant Zoysia japonica
    Studies on the Difference of Bolting and Unbolting Onions on the Physiological and Biochemical Characteristics