- Thus you trudge along, stoical, uncomplaining,
你们就这样坚忍无怨地蹒跚而行. - All are treasured for their canine characteristics of loyalty, bravery, and uncomplaining service.
Periodic overhaul of the uncomplaining
Dear nurse: Fifty years of uncomplaining toil, and where has it got us? Bob Harteveldt puts pen to paper on behalf of the health sec...
[Nursing process. Nursing of a patient with acoustic neuroma: deficiency in understanding anxiety of the uncomplaining patient]
Royal tributes follow death of 'uncomplaining gentleman' Sir Angus Ogilvy loses battle with ill health
DesignCon: "Uncomplaining"engineers must demand better EDA tools
Patient England Uncomplaining over Final Delay
"A Lamb Goes Uncomplaining Forth"
The Uncomplaining Corpses
Uncomplaining Victims
Good Patients and Problem Patients: Conformity and Deviance in a General Hospital