- In Britain pornography was once sold under the counter.
Under the CounterUnder the CounterUnder the counterUnder the counter water treatment systemUnder-the-counter payments for health care: evidence from Bulgaria.Acceptance of persuasion and the inhibition of counterargumentation under various distraction tasksCharacteristics of the venous hemodynamics of the leg under simulated weightlessness: effects of physical exercise as countermeasureNSAIDs without a prescription: over-the-counter access, under-counted risksThe Remaking of a Model Minority: Perverse Projectiles under the Specter of (Counter)TerrorismPolicy Issue Analysis on the Smith Policy-Implementation Processing Pattern——reflection of "under the policy to the countermeasure"Under the counter: the diffusion of narcotic analgesics to the inner city streetHeat Capacity Anomalies of Superfluid 4He under the Influence of a Counterflow near T lambda.Dead Sea extract sold under-the-counter.