- A newsflash from Beirut says they've been shot.
来自贝鲁特的电讯说他们已被处决。 - The killing has set off anti-Syrian demonstrations in Beirut.
The Beirut terrorist bombing
American University of Beirut.
Lumpy Sympathies: An Interview in Beirut with Teju Cole
The 1983 Beirut Airport terrorist bombing. Injury patterns and implications for disaster management.
Terrorist bombings. Lessons learned from Belfast to Beirut
Food consumption patterns in an adult urban population in Beirut, Lebanon
Active Thrusting Offshore Mount Lebanon: Source of the Tsunamigenic A.D. 551 Beirut-Tripoli Earthquake
Life experiences, response styles and mental health among mothers and children in Beirut, Lebanon
The hostile media phenomenon: biased perception and perceptions of media bias in coverage of the Beirut massacre.
Variations in the impact of long-term wartime stressors on mortality among the middle-aged and older population in Beirut, Lebanon, ...