- The criticism was totally undeserved.
这批评纯属冤枉人。 - His reputation as a Romeo is quite undeserved.
Ambush marketing: The undeserved advantage
[When power is undeserved: its effects on perception and social judgements].
Fostering resiliency in undeserved youth through physical activity.
Undeserved Loss: The Spread of Legitimacy Loss to Innocent Organizations in Response to Reported Corporate Deviance
Equine rabies immune globulin: a product with an undeserved poor reputation.
Compensatory rationalizations and the resolution of everyday undeserved outcomes.
Differentiating emotions in relation to deserved or undeserved outcomes: A retrospective study of real-life events
Coauthors' contributions to major papers published in the AJR: frequency of undeserved coauthorship.
Resentment, envy, schadenfreude, and sympathy: Effects of own and other's deserved or undeserved status
What Does the Belief in a Just World Protect Us from: The Dread of Death or the Fear of Undeserved Suffering?