Unfueled Part非燃料元件
unfueled rocket未加燃料火箭
Manufacturing method of unfueled steamboats and warshipsEconomical Conversion of Unfueled Nuclear Generating StationsObservations of in-reactor strain for fueled and unfueled FTR claddingPerformance stability tests on fueled and unfueled cesium thermionic converters, part 3Fabrication and back emission testing of an unfueled three-cell thermionic fuel elementExperimental comparison of the unfueled ²âµÂ²Cf neutron radiography device with a multiplierMETHOD OF AND MEANS FOR ENGINE OPERATION WITH CYLINDERS SELECTIVELY UNFUELEDObservations of in-reactor endurance and rupture life for fueled and unfueled FTR claddingPre-irradiation testing and analysis to support the LWRS Hybrid SiC-CMC-Zircaloy-04 unfueled rodlet irradiationEvaluation of Storage for Transportation Equipment, Unfueled Convertors, and Fueled Convertors at the INL for the Radioisotope Power...