CHARAKTERISTIK DER EINARTENHONIGECHARACTERISTICS OF UNIFLOROUS HONEYSSYNOPSIS OF THE UNIFLOROUS MADAGASCAN IXORA (RUBIACEAE) SPECIES BELONGING TO SECTION MICROTHAMNUSThe pollination biology of Pseudostifftia kingii H.Rob. (Asteraceae), a rare endemic Brazilian species with uniflorous capitula[The uniflorous species of the genus Nothoscordum Kunth and the genus Ipheion Rafinesque of the tribe Allieae (Liliaceae)]. [Spanish][Uniflorous carnation: diseases and pests on new crops]Morphological studies in the tribe Colletieae (Rhamnaceae): analysis of architecture and inflorescencesChamguava: a new genus of myrtaceae (Myrtinae) from Mesoamerica.StemonaceaePhylogeny and Recircumscription of Artocarpeae (Moraceae) with a Focus on ArtocarpusStemonaceae