Recent Bioturbation in the Deep South China Sea: A Uniformitarian Ichnologic ApproachBlack smokers and density currents: A uniformitarian model for the genesis of banded iron-formationsDiffusionism: A Uniformitarian CritiqueThe uniformitarian nature of hillslopesBENTHIC FORAMINIFERS FROM LOWER ALBIAN BLACK SHALES (SITE 1049, ODP LEG 171): EVIDENCE FOR A NON "UNIFORMITARIAN"RECORDThe Uniformitarian-Catastrophist DebateLanguage Acquisition in Creolization and, Thus, Language Change: Some Cartesian- Uniformitarian Boundary ConditionsUniformitarian assumptions and language evolution researchToward a uniformitarian theory of human paleodemographyChapter 2 Precambrian Tectonic Style: A Liberal Uniformitarian Interpretation