- I feel no ill will towards her in spite of her unkindness.
尽管她很不友善,但是我对她没有恶感。 - She's a very good woman; unkindness is foreign to her nature.
An unkindness of ravens
The Unkindness of Ravens
The milk of human unkindness
An Unkindness of Ravens: A Book of Collective Nouns
Bigfoot Boy. 2, The unkindness of ravens
The Unkindness of Ravens: An Alternative Romance of the Late War
'Kindness in Your Unkindness': Lady Gregory and History
Unkindness Experience of Health Care Provider in Patients with Breast Cancer
âunkindnessâ of ravens? Measuring prosocial preferences in Corvus corax
What breaks the chain of unkindness: emotional closure or signaling?