
  • 网络从模子里取出;脱模;解构
  • 变形

    过去分词:unmolded 现在分词:unmolding 第三人称单数:unmolds


    An ergonomics solution in the footwear industry: the footwear unmold
    Unmoldability determination apparatus, and unmoldability determination method
    Proposal for a device to unmold ham
    Unmold Management Education
    KITCHENDETECTIVE: Easy recipe makes light custard; Recipe is easy to unmold, takes only 10 minutes to make
    Unmoldability determination apparatus, computer readable medium, and unmoldability determination method
    Unmold an old favorite
    Research on technological conditions of SSF to prepare phosphate-solubile biological fertilizer with leaves residual of Eucommia ulm...
    Apparatus for injection-molding plastic material articles consisting of a plurality of components
    ...associated with molds in the indoor environment.