Unignorable exteriors and unnavigable interiorsHypania invalida in the unnavigable upper Danube in GermanyMethod of moving a seismic cable in unnavigable watersMethod of moving a seismic cable in unnavigable watersModernist autobiography, hysterical narrative, and the unnavigable river: the case of Freud and H.DManagement of hydrometric monitoring network of unnavigable Watercourse Directorate of Walloon Region (Belgium)Erosion modelling towards, and sediment transport modelling in unnavigable watercourses in Flanders, BelgiumSuspended sediment and contaminant transport monitoring in navigable and unnavigable waterways (Wallonia, Belgium)Application of genetic algorithms for input variables selection of decision tree models predicting Mollusca in unnavigable Flemish w...River power station has lifting device for unnavigable river with suitable amount of water, where whole power plant is mounted in st...