View Synthesis from Two Unrectified ImagesComparison of Rectified and Unrectified Sockets for Transtibial AmputeesDENSE PIXEL MATCHING BETWEEN UNRECTIFIED AND DISTORTED IMAGES USING DYNAMIC PROGRAMMINGDense pixel matching between unrectified and distorted images using dynamic programmingUnsuccessful attempt to observe unrectified noise and nonlinear behavior in various resistancesGuided filtering based pyramidical stereo matching for unrectified imagesCorticomotoneuronal postspike effects in averages of unrectified EMG activity.Preliminary Investigation Comparing Rectified and Unrectified Sockets for Transtibial AmputeesMultiscale two-view stereo using convolutional neural networks for unrectified imagesEfficacy of lamellar division for correcting cicatricial lid entropion and its associated features unrectified by the tarsal fractur...