- The unrestrained development of tourism breaks the eco-balance.
旅游业无限制的发展破坏了生态平衡。 - He set to work with unrestrained zest.
A technique for long-term intravenous feeding in unrestrained rats
An unrestrained proinflammatory M1 macrophage population induced by iron impairs wound healing in humans and mice
Unrestrained nociceptive response and disregulation of hearing ability in mice lacking the nociceptin/orphaninFQ receptor.
Single unit activity in lateral geniculate body and optic tract of unrestrained cats
Observation of the A-DNA to B-DNA transition during unrestrained molecular dynamics in aqueous solution.
Experimental Morphine Addiction: Method for Automatic Intravenous Injections in Unrestrained Rats
An electromyographic analysis of muscular activity in the hindlimb of the cat during unrestrained locomotion
Sindrilaru A, Peters T, Wieschalka S et al.An unrestrained proinflammatory M1 macrophage population induced by iron impairs wound he...
Studies on single neurons in dorsal hippocampal formation and septum in unrestrained rats. II. Hippocampal slow waves and theta cell...
Studies in single neurons in dorsal hippocampal formation and septum in unrestrained rats. Part II. Hippocampal slow waves and theta...