- The hostages emerged from their ordeal unscathed.
人质经受磨难而平安生还。 - He walked away from the accident completely unscathed.
Super Phénix Unscathed in Rocket Attack
China: Unscathed through the Global Financial Tsunami
Super Phénix Unscathed in Rocket Attack
Global workspace theory emerges unscathed
Ontic indeterminacy of identity unscathed
AIDSVAX flop leaves vaccine field unscathed
Salty, bitter, sweet and sour survive unscathed
No School Left Unscathed:Coaching as a Vehicle for Professional Development
A cogent critique of epistemology leaves radical behaviorism unscathed.
Types and tokens unscathed: A reply to Whittlesea, Dorken, and Podrouzek (1995) and Whittlesea and Podrouzek (1995).