- He inserted one unscripted item in his speech.
他在演讲中添了一段讲稿上没有的话。 - I don't think there's going to be any unscripted events.
Unscripted Narrative for Affectively Driven Characters
Unscripted Narrative for Affectively Driven Characters.
Learning from unscripted deictic gesture and language for human-robot interactions
Unscripted motherhood: Lesbian mothers negotiating incompletely institutionalized family relationships
Detecting freezing-of-gait during unscripted and unconstrained activity.
Learning to argue online: Scripted groups surpass individuals (unscripted groups do not)
Learning to argue online: Scripted groups surpass individuals (unscripted groups do not)
Real-time investigation of referential domains in unscripted conversation: a targeted language game approach.
Little houses and casas pequeñas: message formulation and syntactic form in unscripted speech with speakers of English and Spanish
Evaluation of waist-mounted tri-axial accelerometer based fall-detection algorithms during scripted and continuous unscripted activi...